Daily Schedule

žDaily Flow Aged 0-2 Aged 3-5
Morning 07F00 Arrival
Health checkup/Submitting a correspondence notebook Free play
09:30 Free play at each class
10:00 Morning snack time
11:30 @Lunch time
Afternoon 01:00 Age-specific classes
Aged 0-4: Naptime, Aged 5: Program setting childcare/Class activities
Aged 4 children will join class activities in later term.
03:30 Afternoon snack time
04:00 End of Day/Free play
06:00 Extended childcare
07:00 End of Day

žMain activities
ƒDietary Education„
Children eat not only foods which they're given but also learn about the various infredients in the recipe and how to cook them.

Children love playing with clay and soil! We create an opportunity to extend this interest to pottery and challenge them to make real artworks. The instructor is a talented young ceramist who holds her own solo exhibitions. In the class, the children have the opportunity to both create works freely and create under a specific theme.

ƒPicture Books„
Children's imaginations start to grow, and they develop an interest in words by reading picture books. By listening and looking at picture books, images grow in the minds of children, and they enjoy acting and playing pretend. We invite instructors who are knowledgeable about childrenfs literature and picture books, and ask them to read books according to the childrenfs interests and development.

The children try creating and drawing by using various materials and tools. In their artworks, their feelings at that time are expressed.@This also serves as a chance for them to sort out their feelings through free expression.

Children enjoy listening to songs, dancing and playing various instruments. They enjoy the eurythmics and rhythm of the music through using their body, and experience the beauty and interest of the words in the songs and poems.

Children have an opportunity to care for plants by planting and watering and observe the process of the plantsf growth. It will make children open their eyes to nature.

ƒPhysical Play„
Children try exercise equipment, the vault, and mat exercises. They practice not only for the sports festival in the fall but also simply enjoy moving their body.

Children go to a park, a river bank, and local shopping streets. They discover various places and things as well as building a strong body.

ƒInteraction with others„
Children have a chance to meet different aged people and people from our different centers. They include children from other classes, younger children from the baby home, older children from the after school program, elderly people from the daycare center, and children from the daycare center for children with intellectual disabilities. They also participate in festivals in the local community.

žInteraction with parents
ƒParticipation in childcare„
We provide parents an opportunity to participate in our childcare so as to observe their childfs school life, play, and relationships with his or her friends. Please indicate a convenient date to participate during the year. Our staff also visit the childrenfs house. We listen to how the children are doing at home and cooperate with their family.

ƒExchange of notebook for interaction between parents and staff„
This is a notebook for staff to communicate with the childfs family. It is a good tool to deepen the interaction between parents and the staff in charge of their child. Parents can write about their feelings, difficulties and problems of their child, and his or her behavior at home.

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Operated by
Social Welfare Corporation SUISEN FUKUSHIKAI
Kazenoko Hoikuen 1-11-8 Komatsu, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka 533-0004
TEL.06-6328-4019@ 050-3385-0072@FAX.06-6328-4030