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Our Involvement with the Great East Japan Earthquake

The 2nd Midosuji Tohoku Fukko Shien Bazaar

The 2nd Midosuji Tohoku Fukko Shien Bazaar was jointly held by Osaka Gas and Risona Bank on October 25th and 26th. We sold "Oni Kenbu Miso Cookie" which were developed by using "Akebono Miso" purchased from Social Welfare Corporation Iwate Kyoseikai in Kitakami City, Iwate and 7 other kinds of cookies which were ordered from Social Welfare Corporation Ishinomaki Shoshinkai in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi. With the help of the guardians, we almost sold out the scheduled quantity. During this two-day bazaar, we met institutions and organizations which offered support for the lives of those affected in various places after the earthquake and realized that it is now time to consider how we can support their everyday lives. We could see very clearly how those who had lost their livelihood because of the nuclear accident and had their homes and families washed away by the tsunami, had lived with determinations since, by forming new relationships. Before the bazaar, we sold "Akebono Miso" to our clients and staff as a pack to raise funds for the reconstruction. We were given the opportunity to think about what we can continue to do for the people in these affected areas. We plan to donate part of our profits from the bazaar and by the "Akebono Miso" sales to Ishinomaki Shoshinkai Fukko Kikin (Social Welfare Corporation Ishinomaki Shoshinkai Reconstruction Fund).


Bringing in customers enthusiastically!

"Oni Kenbu Miso Cookies" -a collaboration with a social welfare corporation in Iwate prefecture.

Selling our very own vegetable Furikake (dry seasoning).

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