Protection of Personal Information Policy
We, Suisen Fukushikai, protect personal information based on the policies below.

  1. All applicable laws and regulations are adhered to with respect for individuals’ personal information based on the “philosophy of Suisen Fukushikai” and handled with care in the services provided.

  2. Personal information is obtained in an appropriate and legal manner.

  3. As much as possible, use of personal information is specified and used only as stated.

  4. Personal information will not be provided to any third party without the consent of the individual.

  5. Personal information is kept up to date and appropriate steps are taken to prevent leak, loss, or defamation.

  6. Individuals have the right to disclosure, addition, deletion, and suspension of their personal information. These requests are processed as quickly as possible.

  7. All complaints regarding personal information are responded to appropriately and in a timely manner.

  8. In order to protect personal information, an appropriate administrative structure has been put in place to educate and improve executives’ and individual staff members’ awareness of these issues.

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