Annual Events

April ・Orientation for a new year
May ・Health checkup
June ・Home visit
・Child-parent spring excursion (field trip) to Tanba
・Field trip (Excursion)
・Study meeting for teeth
・Plum picking tour
July ・Pool opens
・Night stalls Festival
August ・Child-parent excursion (field trip) to Hira (Biwa lake)
・Health checkup
September ・Study meeting organized by parents
October ・Child-parent fall excursion (field trip) with alum
November ・Child-parent excursion (field trip)
・Health checkup
December ・Christmas party
January ・Rice cake making
・Health checkup
February ・The traditional end of winter ceremony
March ・Farewell field trip
・The Festival of Dolls (Girls’ Day Festival)
・Dental checkup
・Farewell party
Every month ・Disaster drills
・Birthday party
Irregular ・The staff of barber and beauty shops come to cut children’s hair as a volunteer service.
※Annual events are going to have some changes from year to year, but they are usually about the same as stated above.

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Operated by
Social Welfare Corporation SUISEN FUKUSHIKAI
Awaji Kodomoen 5-1-12 Nishi awaji, Higashi yodogawa-ku, Osaka 533-0031
TEL: 06-6323-6395 FAX: 06-6323-2856